Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 9, 2017



  1. Call to Order/ Roll Call-First Selectman Murphy called the meeting to order at

7:02 PM with Selectmen Mullane and Donahue also present.

2.    Pledge of Allegiance

3.    Chester Maine Road Bridle Trail Discussion-Jonathan Edwards was present to

       discuss the Chester Maine trail and transfer of ownership to a new

       homeowners’ association including tax obligation.  Selectman Mullane made a

       motion to forward the concept to PZC for review under CGS 8-24 of

       transferring to a homeowners’ association the bridle path portion of the

       Chester Maine subdivision, with the exception of the cemetery and its right-of-

       way, seconded by Selectman Donahue,  carrying.  3-0   NOTE:  This item will

       have to be on next Town Meeting.

4.    Brush Truck Purchase Update-First Selectman Murphy is working with bidder to resolve RFP compliance items.

5.    Board and Commission Appointments

            Conservation Commission-A motion was made by First Selectman Murphy

                      and seconded by Selectman Mullane to appoint Dr. Jason Mancini

                      to the Conservation Commission for a term to expire October 1,

                      2021.  Carrying.  3-0

            Juvenile Review Board-A motion was made by First Selectman Murphy and

                      Seconded by Selectman Mullane to reappoint Joseph Gross and

                      Cheryl Biekert to the Juvenile Review Board for a one year and three

                      year term respectively, carrying.  3-0



            Cemetery Committee appointments-A motion was made by First Selectman

                      Murphy to appoint Diane Preston and Wayne Walters to the

                      Cemetery Committee for a six year term to expire May 9, 2023,

                     seconded by Selectman Donahue, carrying.  3-0

6.    Tax Refunds-A motion was made to refund the following taxes by First Selectman Murphy, seconded by Selectman Donahue, carrying 3-0

                      Acar Leasing          $48.52          Fifth Axis, LLC                    $112.78

                      Kellene Limpert     $13.47          William Sampson $271.75

                      Lisette Silva           $52.67          Beatrice Swanson $140.51

                      C. White Peterson $308.12        Lois Wilcox               $17.15

7.    Affordable Housing Committee Update-Discussion on development of town’s

      property on Wintechog Hill Road.

8.    Correspondence

9.    Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by First

      Selectman Mullane to approve the minutes of April 26th, and the Tri-Board

       meeting of April 27th, as amended, carrying.  3-0

10.  Public Comments and Questions

11.  Adjournment-8:54 PM