What happens if I pay late?

Taxes are due on July 1, payable by August 1; and again on January 1, payable by February 1. You have a one-month "grace" period in which to pay without penalty.

Past due payments are subject to interest at the rate of one and one half percent per month from the due date of the tax (July 1), as required by state law. Payments made on Aug. 2 and later, including payments postmarked Aug. 2 and later, are past due and will incur 3% interest, representing two months' delinquency (July & August). Payments legibly postmarked on or before August 1 are considered timely regardless of when they are received. The town is required by law to accept a legible postmark as the date of payment. If you are mailing a payment and it is nearing the end of the month, we recommend going into the Post Office in person and asking them to hand stamp the postmark. Placing your bill in a mailbox, even one in front of a Post Office, does not guarantee that it will be postmarked that same day.