Please be vigilant about the mosquitoes and take recommended precautions

We would like to remind everyone to continue to be vigilant regarding the mosquito issues we are facing with the EEE virus being found in mosquitoes in the local area. We have participated in two conference calls with the experts from the State, Ledge Light Health District, and the mosquito management team at the State. At this time the town is taking the further protocols of placing mosquito dunks in many of the catch basins around town which have a larvicide designed to lessen the potential of further development of adult flying mosquitoes.

Please see this link for Ledge Light Health and Town recommendations for precautions that should be taken to avoid getting bit as well as how to reduce mosquitoes around the home…

For those who are interested in Ledge Light Health Districts Mosquito control program, please see this link and contact them directly…

The school and town are both following recommended precautions as outlined by Ledge Light Health District.