North Stonington Update 9-11-2020- Vote Monday, Covid-19 updates, hazardous waste collection tomorrow and more!

Happy Friday North Stonington!

On calls with State leadership and health experts, the public is being warned that the majority of COVID-19 transmission is due to either people traveling to "hot spots" or folks letting their guard down around people they consider to be safe. This is generally at gatherings of family or friends. COVID is an airborne virus that is very deadly to some and not to others. It is forecast that there will be a second wave soon. This is not meant to stoke fear but to educate the public to remain vigilant when in the company of others. Masks have proven the most effective way to stop the spread, so if 6 feet distance can't be kept, please wear a mask. While North Stonington has not been immune to cases, we have fared well and would like to continue on that path. 


Take action-two Mondays ago the Board of Selectmen hosted a meeting where the leasing of the old middle school was discussed. The following question will be voted on Monday. “Shall the town of North Stonington enter into a leasing agreement for the one story wing at 298 Norwich Westerly Road.” We encourage everyone to take the time to watch the Monday evening meeting if you weren’t able to attend. The recording can be viewed here… . Please take the time to inform yourself and then cast your vote THIS MONDAY September 14th at 298 Norwich Westerly Road from 12-8pm.

Take action-The recent panel discussion on inclusion and equality in North Stonington took place with participation by some of our neighbors. It was a very powerful and healing event and a great opportunity to understand one another’s point of view. We are looking for residents who are interested in a similar panel discussion aimed at hearing and understanding other's perspectives  as it relates to these topics. If you would consider participating in a panel discussion please email us at . These panels are not for debate but to gain mutual understanding and respect.

A number of house fires and grass fires have been attributed to fireworks, especially during drought conditions (which we have been approaching).  The use of fireworks that cause a fire or an explosion, is considered to be “intentional,” which is a Class C felony.

In addition to the illegality of fireworks, their use can cause extreme stress on wildlife, pets and people suffering from PTSD.

Reports of fireworks use in North Stonington should immediately be reported to the Connecticut State Police. 

no fireworks

A hazardous waste collection day will take place at North Stonington Education Center (298 Norwich Westerly Road) tomorrow (Saturday 9/12) from 9am-1pm. Details about what can be brought to the event can be found by clicking this link . Clean out all of those materials including paper shredding and stop by to properly dispose of them at no cost! 


The North Stonington Community Calendar for 2021 is now available for purchase for $10!  This year’s calendar features many of our stone walls around town.  Calendars are available at the Town Clerk’s office, Wheeler Library and the Shunock River Brewery and Village Café for your purchase. 


This week the highway crew cleaned along guard rails for water runoff on Wyassup, Reutemann, and East Clarks Falls. Prep continued at the school for the new playground that was fundraised for.  Mowing took place on Main St, Wintechog, Kingswood, and Jeremy Hill. More tree trimming, mowing, and clean ups will continue next week. 

hw hw

We hope everyone has a great week!

Mike Urgo First Selectman