North Stonington weekly update 10-23-2020 - Halloween update, inclusion and equality survey, light parade sign up deadline today, and more!

Another eventful week comes to a close here in our beautiful town. We hope you have been able to look around and see the colorful fall foliage in the many pockets of this special place we call home.

Many people have been asking and maybe wondering about Halloween. Halloween is not cancelled, however there are some very important recommendations the State has come out with and we are recommending they are all followed for the safety of everyone involved. They are listed here and a link can be found to them on the State’s website below…

  • Traditional trick-or-treating is a high risk activity. Instead, the CDC and CT DPH recommends participating in one-way trick-or-treating where goodie bags or a large bowl of candy are placed outside of your home for families to grab and go while continuing to social distance.
  • If you are preparing goodie bags, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 second before and after preparing the bags.
  • For people who choose to hand out candy:
    • Before you answer the door, make sure your face covering is in place over your nose and mouth, wash or sanitize your hands before answering door.
    • Remain six feet from the Trick-or-Treater.
    • Place the candy inside the child’s bag for them instead of having them take it from the bowl themselves.
    • Homes providing candy may set up hand sanitizer stations outside or parents/guardians can pack a travel bottle of their own.
  • Parents/guardians should limit the number of homes their children visit.
  • It is not recommended to trick-or-treat with people outside of your household.
  • Remain six feet away from people outside your household at all times.
  • All trick-or-treating participants should wear a mask or face covering while outside at all times.
  • A costume mask (such as for Halloween) is not a substitute for a cloth or surgical mask. A costume mask should not be used unless it is made of two or more layers of breathable fabric that covers the mouth and nose and does not leave gaps around the face.
  • Do not wear a costume mask over a protective cloth or surgical mask because it can be dangerous if the costume mask makes it hard to breathe. Instead, consider using a Halloween-themed cloth mask.
  • Do not wear a costume rubber mask over another face covering of any kind. 

We realize this is different. Since the Halloween we have come to know originated around the 1950’s this is the first time there has been a pandemic during the holiday. It is different and should be treated so. Be safe, be creative, and have fun differently.

Speaking of creative celebrations, there will also be what may become an annual Halloween light parade taking place on October 30th! If you are interested in participating, email Entries are due today for anyone wishing to have a float. 


This past Monday a petition came in asking the Selectmen to warn a Town meeting to discuss the question of whether or not we should reject the recent contract between the school administration and the Board of Education. On Tuesday the Selectmen held a meeting to discuss this. While the petition was found to be invalid because we could not comply with the 30 day timeframe necessary to reject the contract through a town meeting, a compromise was made allowing the Board of Education to hold a special meeting to explain the contract and allow for public comment on the concerns about it. That meeting took place last night. The Selectmen will now meet to further discuss any possible further action. We will plan to hold a special meeting Monday at 1:00pm for this purpose. Please see calendar for an updated agenda and login details for the meeting if you are interested in attending.

COVID-19 cases do continue to increase in Southeastern CT. North Stonington will be hosting its first drive through testing site Sunday October 25th from 10am-2pm at the Middle High School parking lot, 297 Norwich-Westerly Road. The three members of your Board of Selectmen are encouraging everyone to go (as we are) whether you have symptoms or not. This is a free event and no appointment is necessary. If this is not a good time for you or your family, there are many other free testing sites in the area. Please visit for an up-to-date list. 

covid testing

Also in COVID-19 news, late yesterday we were informed by Ledge Light Health that someone associated with our soccer program tested positive for COVID-19. Through contact tracing and out of an abundance of caution following the protocols, individuals who were thought to be at risk of having close contact with the individual were asked to quarantine (if you were one of these individuals or families you have already been informed of this). As mentioned in last week’s update, we are working towards a full reopening of school should the scientific data support that decision as it currently does. School is a controlled setting where masks can be worn and distancing protocols can more easily be followed and monitored. While we were excited to have the soccer program as an opportunity to get our kids out to enjoy one another and some fresh air, one positive case and the associated effects on those who may have been exposed is immense. We want to work toward getting our kids in the classrooms so they are able to have that stability and the best education possible. We do not need to add additional speedbumps in our way of educating our children. For this reason we are cancelling the remainder of the soccer season. We hope those who participated enjoyed the games they had and we hope you understand the decision.

A couple of months back a discussion on inclusion and equality in North Stonington took place with participation by some of our neighbors. It was a very powerful and healing event and a great opportunity to understand one another’s point of view. The recording of the event can be seen here (we apologize the first 5 or so minutes was cut off from the recording) .We are looking for residents who are interested in a similar panel discussion aimed at hearing and understanding other's perspectives  as it relates to these topics. If you would consider participating in a panel discussion please email us at . These panels are not for debate but to gain mutual understanding and respect. Please consider taking this survey if you are interested in being a part of this. 


You may have noticed if driving by the North Stonington Education Center (old middle high school) that we are in the midst of installing solar on the middle section of the building. As a reminder, this is the 3rd step in what was a 4 step proposal that was accepted a while back. The final step will be solar on the elementary school. We will then be very excited to have solar on all our town buildings and will look to report back in the substantial reduction in our carbon footprint from this action. 

solar solar

Our schools have been incredibly busy. We want to send a sincere thanks to all the teachers and staff at in our community for the countless hours and work they have put in making our “new” way of educating as successful as possible for our students. This has not been easy but their dedication has made all the difference. 

thank you teachers

For those who are still considering voting absentee you may request your ballot in person at Town Hall by visiting the Town Clerk, or you can print out a form and mail/hand deliver/drop in drop box outside Town Hall… . Please don’t delay if you plan to vote absentee so we make sure we are able to mail your ballot to you with ample time for you to fill it out and get it back to the Town Clerk.

We are very excited to announce our first SustainableCT grant application fundraising effort. Since we are now a SustainableCT recognized community, we are eligible to receive matching grants for projects in our town. Some may remember the Puttker Road parcel of land Avalonia had been looking to purchase to help add to our open space and recreational use in the area. We are working with Avalonia to raise $22,500.00 to complete this transaction. If the community is able to raise this, SustainableCT will give $7,500.00 and they will be able to close on this property late this year. To make a contribution, please visit . We are so appreciative that we have already raised $700.00 toward this initiative! You can donate online or by writing a check to Avalonia as described on the website. 

sheets sheets


In highway news, the crew cut trees on Pinewoods, Dennison Hill, Wyassup, Ryder, and Murphy Road. Crack sealing continued on Wintechog Hill Road. Missing and damaged traffic signs were replaced around town. The damaged swing set post at the school was replaced and re cemented. New I-beams were installed on the garbage trailer. Mowing took place on Swantown and Lake of Isles Road. More mowing, winter preparation, and crack sealing will take place next week. 

hw hw

hw hw


That’s it for today, please continue to stay safe and wear masks when distance can’t be kept. Masks are our best protection from COVID-19.

Have a great weekend!
Mike Urgo First Selectman