North Stonington Weekly Update 10-30-2020 - Ribbon cutting Better Together CT, free 9V batteries to change in your smoke detectors from NSVFC, don’t forget polling place has change to 298 Norwich Westerly Road & more!

Happy Friday North Stonington,

And Happy Halloween to all! This year we will have a different sort of Halloween for sure so it’s appropriate it will be a full moon for the first time since 1944. Take a look at the State guidance to be sure everyone is safe this Halloween. 

Born out of challenges are new opportunities and we are thankful that fellow resident and Economic Development Committee member Jen Strunk has put together a fun way for us to celebrate Halloween this year. There will be a Halloween Parade tonight! For those interested in seeing it, the route is shown below if you are not living in one of these neighborhoods and choose to find a good spot to watch, please remember to keep distance from others and wear a mask if distance cannot be kept. Thanks to all participants and Jen for coordinating!

NS Light Parade

Sunday a ribbon cutting took place at “Better Together CT” an organization which serves veterans and the community through fellowship, agriculture, and the arts while offering a safe, secure and healing environment. We are so fortunate to have Dr. Stefana Pecher here in our community who has made several investments recently with her wellness center and now this. The ribbon cutting was well attended and we wish them great success in our community. 

Better Together
On Sunday and Wednesday, North Stonington held free COVID-19 drive thru testing at the school parking lot. We appreciate those who took the time to wait and get tested Sunday as the line and wait was quite long. Getting tested helps to keep us informed so we aren’t inadvertently spreading this virus. We are planning to have more local testing soon. For a list of free testing sites in the area see this link for a map… 

covid testing 

covid testing

North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company wants to remind everyone to change the batteries in their smoke detectors. The National Fire Protection Association reports that 71% of smoke alarms which failed to operate had missing, disconnected, or dead batteries. This reinforces how important it is to take the time to test smoke detectors. If you are in need of 9volt batteries for your smoke detectors please stop by the CES building and see a firefighter to receive yours. COVID rules apply with masks to be worn and ID shown for proof of North Stonington residency while picking up the batteries. You may also call 860.535.0937 or contact Fire Captain Stephen Sadowski Thanks to our Fire Company for their continued work in our community!

We are resuming our “drop in” hours to meet with the First Selectman Monday 2:30-3:30 and Thursdays 9:30-10:30 each week. While anyone can make an appointment to meet with the First Selectman anytime, this gives those who would like to plan to stop by a time to do-so. It is encouraged to make an appointment during these COVID times.

We want to remind everyone voting on Tuesday will take place at 298 Norwich Westerly Road at the North Stonington Education Center (the old middle high school). For anyone wishing to vote in person the polls are open 6:00am-8:00pm. The Town Clerks office is open extended hours this weekend in anticipation of the election to issue absentee ballots.

- Friday, October 30, 2020 from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
- Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 8:30 AM until 11:45 AM

If you have any questions regarding absentee ballots for the November 3, 2020 Election please call (860) 535-2877 Ext. 121. 

voting map

A couple of months back a discussion on inclusion and equality in North Stonington took place with participation by some of our neighbors. It was a very powerful and healing event and a great opportunity to understand one another’s point of view. The recording of the event can be seen here (we apologize the first 5 or so minutes was cut off from the recording) .We are looking for residents who are interested in a similar panel discussion aimed at hearing and understanding other's perspectives  as it relates to these topics. These panels are not for debate but to gain mutual understanding and respect. Please consider taking this survey if you are interested in being a part of this.  


In highway news, this week we installed plows on the trucks in preparation for winter storms. Patricia road was graded. The speed bumps were removed from Billings road for the winter season. Water lines were blown out and shut off at the rec field. Mowing took place on Ryder, Johnson, Loin Hill, and Grindstone Hill roads. Next week we will do some crack sealing of roads throughout town and additional tree trimming. 

hw hw

hw hw


Finally, North Stonington resident Emily Noyes has put together a wonderful Storywalk in the Village. Consider taking your family down to check it out. It will only be up for a limited time. Thanks Emily for putting this special feature together for our community! 

story walk

That’s it for today, have a safe and wonderful weekend.
Mike Urgo First Selectman