North Stonington Weekly update 12-18-2020 - Holiday Hours, Boombridge update, Happy Retirement to North Stonington Principal Mrs. Wilkison, COVID-19 Updates and Q & A, and more.

Hello North Stonington,

Hopefully you have dug yourselves out from the first major snow storm of the season. We were happy to see that no significant power outages occurred. The highway crew did a great job of keeping the roads clear and safe through the night. We are thankful for their efforts! 

hw hw

This past week a small ribbon cutting ceremony took place to officially commemorate the elementary school playground that was recently constructed by community volunteers. This truly was an example of our town banding together and making something happen. Here are a couple of videos showing some of the work it took to build the playground and of the ribbon cutting. Thank you to everyone who donated as well as the North Stonington PTO’s dedicated group of leaders and volunteers who followed this through. Our littlest ones love the playground and it was a bright spot in 2020 for sure! Click Here to watch the ribbon cutting video.

Speaking of the elementary school, we would like to wish a fond farewell to long time Principal Veronica Wilkison. She’s been an incredibly devoted part of our team for the past 13 years and will be missed by all staff and students. We wish her all the best in retirement and we will soon look forward to announcing our new Principal.

Boombridge is nearly complete. Paving has taken place and we are just awaiting the rails to be installed and some signage and detail work. We are anticipating an opening before the end of the month and possibly before Christmas. We will keep you posted! 

boom bridge boom bridge

Nearly every week we have given COVID-19 updates and advice on the virus. Unfortunately we are seeing the worst numbers to-date right now. The best advice we can give is that if you go anywhere around others you should treat everyone as if they are COVID-19 positive. This means wear a mask, be diligent about hand washing, and keep 6 feet distance between you and others. This is not a message meant to frighten anyone, it is simply the fact as to where things are at and will continue to be at over the next couple of months. We are seeing community spread and it is due in large part to social gatherings in situations where peoples guard has been let down. We are not seeing spread in schools as there are protocol’s in place keeping the virus from spreading in most cases. We urge everyone to protect their neighbors and themselves by wearing a mask when you go out. Should you make a choice to be with family during the holidays, please consider wearing a mask and keeping distance as well. We want everyone to be here and healthy for the 2021 Holiday season when we can resume normalcy once again.

sign with heart

To help answer some of your COVID-19 and vaccine questions we will be hosting a Q & A with Ledgelight Health Director Steve Mansfield, First Selectwoman Danielle Chesbrough from Stonington, & First Selectman Mike Urgo from North Stonington. Please join us at 6:00pm or dial US: +13126266799, 88102014293#

We also would add you have likely heard vaccines are now being administered for some healthcare workers. We have been on many calls with the State and they are working hard on the plan to get everyone vaccinated as soon as possible. Keep an eye on the state website for information. The vaccine is safe and effective and when and if you are given the opportunity to receive it please do-so. For now masks are our vaccine so please continue to wear them.

We would like to remind everyone Town Hall will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. We will close at noon on New Year’s Eve. The Transfer Station is closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. We also have resumed “appointment only” hours at Town Hall. If you should need to come into the building simply call 860.535.2877 and we will arrange an appointment for you. As a reminder masks must be worn upon entry. The secure drop box is available to leave documents 24 hours per day right outside of Town Hall for your convenience. 


This is likely to be the last “weekly update” for the year. We wish everyone the safest and happiest of holidays. Should you be in need of anything remember 211 is there to help. Stay safe & stay well!

Mike Urgo

First Selectman

North Stonington