North Stonington Weekly Update 3/12/2021- Solar Project Updates, Budget Summary, Easter Bunny Parade, and More!

Happy Friday North Stonington,

The budget process is in full swing here in town. Wednesday evening the Board of Education presented their budget to the Board of Finance. For anyone who listened in it was clear how often they have been meeting and the culmination of many years of work now coming to fruition. We are very proud of the work the board, the administration, and the teachers are doing at the school. The Board of Finance will now deliberate on their request before ultimately presenting the budget at a town hearing tentatively scheduled for April 19th.

The Board of Selectmen met twice this week to work towards putting a budget forth to Board of Finance for consideration. At our first presentation the Board of Finance requested a zero increase so the Board of Selectmen is currently working towards achieving that goal. We will present our proposed budget at next week’s Board of Finance meeting Wednesday at 7pm. Please attend if you are able. One thing you will notice that occurred at our meeting yesterday was the removal of three more items from the proposed budget with the plan of bringing those needed items as an appropriation request vs. a budgeted item. Should the appropriation be approved by the Board of Finance, it would go to a town meeting for final approval. These will also be reviewed at the upcoming meeting next Wednesday but the items are for new communication radios for our Fire Company, an additional per diem firefighter for daytime coverage, and financial software for the Town.

Speaking of meetings, you may be wondering when we will resume in person meetings. While we have creative and safe ideas for doing so, this is not as simple as it seems it should be. While we could have easily and safely resumed our boards meeting in person again, once we made that decision, by law we also have to allow public to attend in person. Though this would likely present no problem at some meetings since very few people attend, at others it would be an issue if we had too big of a crowd and not enough space to distance people. Since our larger meetings spaces in town at the education center are now being used by the school so they can achieve distancing, we currently would have a couple of smaller spaces to work with. We will be looking to resume in person meetings soon and when we do we must make sure that there is enough distance between everyone for comfort and safety and if we cannot provide that we also need to provide an alternate location for those who prefer to attend can do-so by phone or otherwise. We of course also plan to continue with the online/zoom attendance opportunities. It is important however when we move forward we are doing so in compliance with the law and with regards to everyone’s safety and comfort. We will keep everyone posted as to our next steps.

Last night a meeting took place to discuss the proposed solar project on route 184. We would encourage you to inform yourself about this proposed project by watching the recording of last night’s meeting Click Here to view the recording.
If you have comments you would like for the siting council to hear about it, please email and Town Planner Juliet Hodge at

Town Hall has remained open throughout the entire pandemic. We have throughout the year locked the doors for “appointment only” to control how many people are in and out of the building. As of today the doors have been unlocked. Masks over the nose and mouth remain as a requirement. Thank you for your continued patience and thank you especially to our staff for their dedication and perseverance throughout these times.

There will be a Freedom of Information Act training March 29th at 7pm. Tom Hennick from the State will be there to talk about the rules and regulations of open meetings and public documents. All board and commission members should attend this training but the public is also welcome to attend.

Meeting ID: 831 0597 1841

Passcode: 201935

By phone- +16465588656,,83105971841#

In highway news, we cleared waterways on Chester Main, Hangman Hill, Reutemann, Pinewoods, Jeremy Hill, Northwest Corner, and Wintechog Hill roads. Crack sealing was done on Jeremy Hill and Wintechog Hill roads. Potholes were filled on Stony Brook, Jeremy Hill, Swantown, and Miller roads. Trees were trimmed along Wyassup Road. Trash was picked up along Wintechog road. We ask that everyone does their part to not litter and make sure trash is secure when going to the transfer station. Broken windows were temporarily fixed at the John Dean Gallup house. The loaders received new blades, Truck 1 received an oil change and new starter, and a new upper boom rest pad was installed on the tree truck. Next week the highway garage will continue to cut trees and clear water ways. Truck 42 will be repaired and maintenance will be done on the dozer Crack sealing will begin on needed roads. 

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We also are planning to reopen the new and improved swap shed at the transfer station soon. Keep an eye out for information in the coming weeks. 

Finally the Recreation commission has once again spoken with the Easter Bunny and we are thrilled to report a town visit will happen again this year on April 3rd. Keep your eyes peeled for further details ! 

easter parade

That’s it for today. We hope you enjoy this glimmer of spring today and stay well!

Mike Urgo

First Selectman