Sustainable North Stonington Projects

“As a result of being a Sustainable CT certified town, the Town of North Stonington was invited to participate in a multi-state, peer-based self-analysis of community energy initiatives – the Sustainable States Community Energy Challenge. The project includes a self-assessment by each municipality utilizing the Local Clean Energy Self-Scoring Tool and direct, hands-on technical assistance. The self-scoring tool was developed by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy and is based on ACEEE’s City Clean Energy Scorecard, which compares the actions of the 75 biggest core center cities in the nation.

This project is a joint effort of state programs of the Sustainable States Network, ACEEE, and the Great Plains Institute.  

Technical assistance will be provided to each community by ACEEE the Great Plains Institute and municipalities will receive further support by participation in their in-state peer-city network. Our community will receive assistance assessing our energy initiatives as well as executing a project that aligns with climate action planning.”